Horoscopes: July 16 – 22 2020


Francis Bevan has put together his weekly horoscopes for the week July 16 – 22. This week’s celebrity birthday is Sandra Oh.

Celebrity birthday

Sandra Oh

20 July 1971

The electric and exciting planet of the zodiac, Uranus, and its sign of Aquarius rules Sandra’s life throughout the next 12 months. Dramatic events will surprise and unnerve her in both her professional and personal lives. So, she needs to be prepared! She will be able to achieve many things and her dreams are likely to come true, but she mustn’t be distracted or scatter her energies. She will be breaking many of her self-imposed limitations which will present challenges from family and loved ones.

ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

The new moon on 20 July is the ideal time to catch up on any domestic chores, big or small, or to indulge in cooking delectable meals for loved ones. In the workplace, take time to think before you speak, otherwise your impulsiveness could land you in hot water!

TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

The new moon on 20 July is the ideal day to make time for light-hearted gossip and curiosity. Don’t feel you need to fit someone else’s idea of what personal expression has to be, or to move at a breakneck pace you’re not ready for. Follow what is calling you.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

This month, the stars are encouraging you to look deeply at where some of your boundaries are getting crossed. It’s one thing to be flexible and helpful, but it’s another to be taken advantage of altogether. The new moon on 20 July is the ideal time to make smart financial moves.

CANCER 22 June – 22 July

The new moon in your own sign on 20 July is the ideal time to say to heck with it and solve a problem. To assert yourself and win one war, make a few demands, take a break from worrying and get things out into the open!

LEO 23 July – 23 Aug

While some parts of the world might be getting busier with their re-opening plans, you’re feeling quite comfortable staying in your little corner of the world. Take your time. The new moon on 20 July is the ideal time to trust your intuition to help you sort out any confusion.

VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sept

Focus on those who are there for you, Virgo. Ask yourself: What can I do to show my favourite people how much I care about them? The new moon on 20 July indicates an unexpected win. The law of attraction is certainly going to be working in your favour.

LIBRA 24 Sept – 23 Oct

Choose one thing you want to see happen in 2020 and start making a list of things you would need to do to make that happen. The new moon on 20 July gives you a sense of accomplishment and it is the ideal time to deal with the boss.

SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

The new moon on 20 July is the ideal time to connect with friends, loved ones and associates at a distance, to indulge yourself and to start understanding yourself better. Mars in Aries is going to help you get back into your element and to feel more consistent.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov – 21 Dec

The new moon on 20 July is going to allow you to feel the sense of power even if just briefly. You are going to feel like changing your life and will make some firm decisions. Get off Google and sign up for a workshop or course.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Saturn is giving you another chance to work through a block you keep facing, which might take you out of your comfort zone. The new moon on 20 July is the ideal time to listen to some romantic music and to invest some time and attention into a relationship.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Even though it seems you’re not gaining the momentum you want, just because you can’t always see progress doesn’t mean nothing is happening. The new moon on 20 July is the ideal time to get some work done, to improve your diet and to attend to duties on the home front.

PISCES 20 Feb – 20 Mar

Your compassion can make you feel guilty for taking time to focus on your own interests, but this yearning deserves to be nourished. The new moon on 20 July is the ideal time to spend time and energy with your loved ones, especially those younger than yourself.

WITH FRANCIS BEVAN, francisbevan.com

Check out last weeks horoscopes.