Horoscopes: August 20 – 26 2020


Francis Bevan has put together his weekly horoscopes for the week August 20 – 26 2020. This week’s celebrity birthday is Elizabeth Debicki.

Celebrity birthday

Elizabeth Debicki

24 August 1990

The next 12 months for Elizabeth is a time of tying up loose ends and when relationships and associations that have outlived their purpose will be completed and left behind. Elizabeth will be getting involved with people who come from totally different cultures or backgrounds to her own. Love is very much on the cards and she will certainly be inspired to be creative with her work.

ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

This week, you will want to take on new leadership rolesand soak upmore attention. You are far more likely to take matters into your own hands rather than collaborating with others. There is going to be a strong urge to show the world how strong you really are.

TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

Uranus in your own sign certainly tests your flexibility as sudden family requests or changes of plans land in your lap. Just as you think everything is all settled on the home and family front, along comes something to upset the apple cart. Patience and flexibility will see you through.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

You prefer to keep things on the light side yet ever since March, you have been initiated into the depths of relationships. If things have felt out of control and the word ‘powerless’ comes to mind, know that it’s about trusting and surrendering to a higher power greater than yourself.

CANCER 22 June – 22 July

You’ve been learning a lot about where your true security and safety comes from and it’s high time to be your own nurturer. You can learn to love and appreciate your sensitive side without feeling the sense of being overwhelmed that often goes along with a strong emotional nature.

LEO 23 July – 23 Aug

An opportunity on the job or a lucky break with a difficult task will open the way to surge ahead. There will be benefits financially but working overtime may become the new norm. This is your time to shine! You are the star, the producer, and the director of the zodiac.

VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sept

It’s time to expect the unexpected this week. For example, an old flame may reappear and want to rekindle things, but the past is the past and it is time to move forwards. On the other hand, something you have been wanting in a relationship could finally eventuate.

LIBRA 24 Sept – 23 Oct

Visitors will beat a path to your door this week. Family commitments will suddenly accelerate and there will be labours of love every step of the way! The company of someone you can’t wait to see, or a meaningful emotional exchange, will be a real joy.

SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Going further afield or exploring new places, while keeping health restrictions in mind, will be fun and educational, while stimulating encounters will also be most informative. A surprising turn of events will change the direction of a relationship or alter the course of some new plans.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov – 21 Dec

It’s been a challenging year so far and you’ve probably honed your skills and learned new techniques in your job. Expensive, meaningful and useful new possessions will stretch the budget but add to your quality of life. A financial or business venture will gain from thorough attention to detail.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec – 20 Jan

A breakthrough with a financial undertaking will clear the path to success! There will also be a major turning point in a difficult relationship or situation. The Leo Sun is shining its light on the health area of your chart and you will need to take a bit more care.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan – 19 Feb

The focus is on your relationships and there will be lot of people pulling at you wanting your attention. However, it is important for you to sort out exactly what it is you want, which may be easier said than done. Your search for authenticity requires some solitude.

PISCES 20 Feb – 20 Mar

A job opening or wave of extra work will show the world more of what you can do and increase your income. Pouring energy into a health or physical pursuit will make you stronger, fitter and healthier. As a result, you’ll be motivated to set new goals.

WITH FRANCIS BEVAN, francisbevan.com

Check out our horoscopes from 27 August to 02 September 2020.