Horoscopes: 8 – 14 October 2020


Francis Bevan has put together his horoscopes for the week 8 – 14 October 2020. This week’s celebrity birthday is Dami Im.

Dami Im

Celebrity birthday

Dami Im

17 October 1988

There will be many opportunities for Dami to get out and about and to promote her new ideas.  Overseas destinations and places interstate, along with new technology, are going to play a large part in her year ahead. All in all, things look promising. During the coming year, Dami will be actively involved with the public, there will be many interesting encounters and she will attract some favourable publicity. Her sexual magnetism will go through the ceiling.

ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Partnerships are of importance at the moment; things may not have been easy lately, but you’re ready to turn over a new leaf where at least one person is concerned and commit the relationship to a new footing. Be careful of losing control and going OTT with loved ones.

TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

Something from your past is being stirred up this month and could be making you feel uneasy. If you need help to deal with this, speak to someone who inspires trust. Mercury Retrograde indicates that you may find yourself at cross purposes with loved ones.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

The planets suggest truth is a very elusive quality in your dealings with others. If your intuition suspects that someone is only giving you half the story, avoid taking the stress of this situation out on innocent bystanders. With Mercury retrograde, expect some disruption to your plans.

CANCER 22 June – 22 July

Avoid trying to force any issues on the career front, as this will be a waste of time. You need to be patient and let things naturally take their course; otherwise, being too assertive could backfire on you. Keep your feet on the ground where romance or children are concerned.

LEO 23 July – 23 Aug

This week, the planets could intensify your emotions. You you will need to be careful of what you say and how you act when dealing with situations you are uncomfortable with. Mercury Retrograde indicates a need to get some handyman jobs done; you are best to call in the professionals.

VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sept

Try to avoid coming on too strong with someone as it could lead to a fall out. However, if you can avoid getting worked up, you’ll be able to win them over. The planets are focusing on your personal resources and financial security this month.

LIBRA 24 Sept – 23 Oct

The planets indicate a need to be careful of what you say to a certain person, as it will be hard to know whether you’re really upsetting them or whether they’re in a fault-finidng mood. You could be drawn into a conversation that involves telling someone the stark truth.

SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

The most secretive and hidden areas of your chart are highlighted this month. Use this quiet time to find out more about yourself; walks by the sea, listening to music will uplift you. Avoid taking on more than you can comfortably handle, pace yourself and take care of your energy.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov – 21 Dec

Your defences are down at the moment and people can puncture your armour. It would be extremely easy to retaliate or brood over harsh comments, but don’t let things get out of proportion. This would be the ideal time to learn to meditate, especially if you’re feeling on edge.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec – 20 Jan

This week is one of those times when it is wise to think before you speak, especially on the family front as it will save endless trouble. Mercury Retrograde indicates that you need to be careful of getting caught in other people’s emotional dramas. Your response is in your hands.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan – 19 Feb

You may need to deal with someone who has a rigid mindset which is likely to frustrate you. The spotlight is on faraway places, further education and spirituality, so all kinds of interesting developments are likely. Your world is expanding and you’re ready to explore different ways of thinking.

PISCES 20 Feb – 20 Mar

The planets warn you to avoid overreacting in the face of any financial concerns or worries. Mercury Retrograde indicates that you are going to be rather restless wanting to break free from your current set of restrictions, however the reality is that the chores keep on piling up around you.

WITH FRANCIS BEVAN, francisbevan.com

Check out the horoscopes from last week.